Thursday, May 24, 2012


You may have noticed the blog has been a little quiet of late.  I've been in the middle of first drafting.  It's not going easy.  I find that I can balance about three sometimes four things in my day with out feeling utterly stressed out.  Top slot is being a Mom/ babysitter.  Next comes the basic housework so I don't drown in dishes or diapers. I'm trying to squeeze writing into that third slot, the one that is usually filled with cooking, shopping and gardening.  It's not working very well. 

You'll notice everything else on my daily list has to do with making things nicer around the house for my family.  I'm particularly prone to falling into that trap, until recently my "me time" was dancing on Monday nights and an occasional weekend away where I was cooking for thirty people. 

It's hard to think of writing as a job when you aren't being paid for it yet.  It's hard to push things aside, even dull things like laundry or sweeping the kitchen floor because if they aren't done I feel guilt that I'm not getting everything I need to done. 

Finding that balance has been really hard.  If my blogging lags for a bit here I'll be back again soon.  This time at least the silence hopefully means that work is being done behind the scenes.

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